The White House has reported changes to how the administration handles prisoner circumstances that include US subjects.
President Barack Obama has coordinated the US government not to debilitate the prisoners' families with indictment in the event that they endeavor to pay captors' payment.
Mr Obama has drawn feedback for the long-standing approach of denying concessions to activist gatherings.
The movement brings up issues about whether it makes US natives more lucrative focuses for prisoner takers.
The progressions take on at the determination of an audit into the US approach, which was requested after the passings of a few US prisoners in the previous year.
The way that numerous European governments routinely pay payments to free their residents has disappointed US families as they have attempted to win the arrival of their friends and family.
"The groups of prisoners have let us know - and they have let me know straightforwardly - about their continuous dissatisfactions in managing their own administration," Mr Obama said, before conceding that administration offices are "not generally also facilitated as they should be".
He portrayed the issues that the families raised - including the risk of indictment - as "absolutely unsuitable".
The progressions were requested in a strategy mandate passed on by President Obama on Wednesday, known as PPD-30.
The White House said that the order "reaffirms our longstanding responsibility to make no concessions to people or gatherings holding US nationals hostage...but makes clear surprisingly that 'no concessions' does not signify 'no correspondence'".
In a different articulation, the US Department of Justice composed: "The office does not plan to add to families' torment in such cases by recommending that they could confront criminal arraignment."
Previously, prisoners' families have felt that they had couple of choices to win back their friends and family, and some have said that the arrangement furnished government authorities with a reason to abstain from noting the families' inquiries.
"We had nobody responsible for Jim," said Diane Foley, the mother of James Foley, whose decapitating was recorded in a ruthless feature discharged by the Islamic State gathering last August.
A late report in the New Yorker magazine points of interest the coordinated effort between a considerable lot of the prisoners' families and the endeavors that they have embraced subsequent to getting to be baffled with saw government inaction.
A lot of their endeavors have been facilitated by staff at Atlantic Media - a distributed firm situated in Washington, DC - including the organization's CEO, David Bradley.
Mr Bradley, who was included in the administration's prisoner arrangement survey, issued an announcement saying "the US government's reaction to the prisoner emergency in Syria was uneven, ungraceful and moderate out of the door".
He recognized that the "pace of government activity" expanded after the execution of Mr Foley last August, and said he was fulfilled by the approach audit and coming about changes.