The Greek parliament has upheld plans for a submission on global banks' terms for another bailout.
The 5 July choice was called by PM Alexis Tsipras, who contradicts further spending plan cuts. He asked voters to convey a "reverberating 'no'" to the bundle.
Eurozone accomplices have reprimanded Greece's submission declaration, and rejected its demand to amplify the bailout program past 30 June.
Greece confronts default in the event that it neglects to pay €1.6bn (£1.1bn) to the IMF on that day.
There are apprehensions the nation may leave the euro and that its economy may fall without new bailout stores.
Mr Tsipras' movement on a submission effortlessly won the support in the 300-part solid parliament, with no less than 179 MPs voting "yes" in the early hours of Sunday.
Talking just before the vote, Mr Tsipras depicted the loan bosses' proposition as "an offending final proposal" and said an insistent "no" vote on 5 July would fortify Greece's arranging position.
His administration had before rejected the banks' offer of a five-month augmentation to Greece's bailout program in return for changes.
On Saturday, eurozone money clergymen rejected the Greek proposition for the bailout expansion past Tuesday's due date. An Eurogroup explanation said Greece had severed transactions more than another bailout bargain "singularly".
It's never over till its over. Be that as it may, it feels like the end is unsafely close. The breakdown in talks in the middle of Greece and its lenders must be seen as a disappointment.
It should happen like this. It is likewise a gigantic bet on all sides, and a conceivable defining moment ever. There will in any case be those working hotly off camera for bargain, however basically neither one of the sides has squinted yet.
At the point when the Greek government thought it had made generous concessions toward the start of the week, the loan bosses said it basically wasn't sufficient. Keeping in mind nobody can say for sure that Greece will leave the eurozone, this is now uncharted domain.
Much will rely on upon the result of the submission called by PM Alexis Tsipras, in the event that it happens on calendar. Also, much will likewise rely on upon the European Central Bank - and whether it trusts it can at present permit stores to stream, to keep banks in Greece from falli