Donald Trump to keep running for president in 2016

Donald Trump to keep running for president in 2016

Property extremely rich person Donald Trump has declared he will keep running for the White House in the 2016 decision. 

Mr Trump, a Republican, hosts never keep running for the get-together's designation some time recently, however has regularly discussed it. 

"I am authoritatively running for president of the United States and we are going to make our nation incredible once more," he told supporters at New York's Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue. 

He said his fortune would permit him to be a viable president. 

"Our nation is in a bad position. We don't have triumphs any longer," he said. 

"At the point when was the last time anybody saw us beating, how about we say, China in an exchange bargain? 

"They murder us. I beat China constantly." 


Investigation - Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington 

Donald Trump is really running for president. Few individuals anticipated that it would happen - he's made an insincere effort ordinarily before - and his political tirades as of not long ago have been entirely criticized as a joke. Be that as it may, this time he really said the words, and he appears like he would not joke about this. 

With battle staff in key early voting states and a total assets he puts at more than $8.5bn, he has the assets to bother the Republican presidential field. 

Mr Trump is surveying sufficiently high to get a spot on the stage in the imminent Republican verbal confrontations, and he's now demonstrated an ability to take swings at his adversaries. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio "have no idea", he said in his declaration discourse. "How are these individuals going to lead us?" he inquired. 

On the off chance that he says that enough times amid a level headed discussion - or in a multi-million dollar TV promoting spree - many individuals are going to quit snickering and pay heed. Also, that is presumably exactly what Mr Trump needs. 

Mr Trump communicated backing for weapon rights and said he would secure US government projects like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. 

What's more, he said he would "instantly end" President Barack Obama's official request on migration, which would spare undocumented vagrants from extradition. 

"Unfortunately, the American Dream is dead", Mr Trump said. 

"On the off chance that I get chose president I will bring it back greater and preferred and solid over ever some time recently. We will make America incredible once more." 

He turns into the 12th Republican to proclaim, with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Florida's previous representative Jeb Bush among the early leaders.

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